Life Events
We would be pleased to chat to you about any life events, which includes weddings, Baptisms, Confirmations etc, please send us an email or give us a call using the contacts page, or even drop by on a Sunday morning.
If you live in our Parish and would like to be Baptised at St Stephen's, we would be delighted to welcome you into the church family and to discuss arrangements and preparations for this wonderful celebration...
Infant Baptism
Congratulations on becoming a parent! We are excited for you as you take on this responsibility. We welcome all children, parents and Godparents who want to join us in this journey. As Baptism is about joining God’s family, we mostly have Baptism’s taking place during the 10.30am ‘All Age” family friendly service, although not exclusively
Adult Baptism
If an adult wishes to be Baptised, this would usually take place during a 10.30am church service on a Sunday Morning. Adults can also choose to be Baptised by immersion (underwater) by special arrangement.
It is important to have reliable and supportive friends and family who will journey with you as Godparents. As they are making promises with you, they ought to be baptised and confirmed members of the church of England.
As part of the preparation for the Baptism Kev (or one of the other Clergy taking the service) would like to meet you, to go through the meaning of Baptism, the promises which the parents, Godparents and the congregation make and what happens in the service.
Baptism is free, we do not charge for the service or for preparation meetings.
All donations to church funds are welcome!
If you were baptised as a baby, (or sometimes later on in life) Confirmation is the next step forward to declare your faith for yourself. There are Confirmation services held by special arrangement with the Bishop, who may be able to visit our church or Deanery to Confirm several candidates together at one service. Before the Confirmation service takes place, there are informal classes for children, as well as other classes for adults, to help you understand more about Confirmation and your faith.
Please get in contact with us for all Baptism and Confirmation enquiries.
The link below may be helpful for other information;
We are always here to support you in your time of need. Please get in touch if you have lost a loved one and would like to discuss funeral arrangements.
Are you thinking of getting married? At St. Stephen’s Church, we love to support couples preparing for marriage in any way we can. Your wedding day is far more than just a one-off celebration, it is a life-changing declaration before God, family and friends.
There are a few important things to consider. Firstly, the law states that you may get married in the church in the parish in which one of you is resident.
Parish boundaries are sometimes quite difficult to discover, but a really useful website is When you arrive at the site, type in your postcode and it will tell you which parish you are in.
If you live within our Parish, then you may get married at St Stephen's, You may also qualify for a connection if your parents or grandparents have lived here, or you worship here regularly
The next step is to get in contact with us
The link below may be helpful, you can also view information about fees and charges for a wedding held in a church